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Kristen O'Neal

Reset Your Business In 12 Days

Running a service based or coaching business is HARD. There are SO many forward facing tasks that you have to do on a regular basis to keep your business moving, that it's really easy to let all the stuff behind the scenes build up. Let's be real - when we're taking client calls, writing blog posts, checking on our Facebook ads, or trying to create the perfect trending Instagram Reel, it doesn't leave much time for "everything else".

In my experience, it's the "everything else" that causes those feelings of burnout and overwhelm that we've all felt as small business owners. It's all those "I should" or "I really need to'" things on our to do list that never get crossed off that can make us feel totally out of control. When we get to the end of the week, or month, or year, and we still haven't tested the links on our website, or reached out to clients for testimonials, it makes it that much more difficult to generate forward progress in other areas of our business.

That's exactly why I created this 12 Day Business Reset! This Reset Challenge originally ran on my Instagram account, where it was called "12 Days To Get Your Shit Together." I posted one prompt a day for the 12 days before I went on my annual holiday break. It was a great way for me to hold myself accountable, while crossing all those nagging tasks off my to do list as I prepared for the new year.

I also wanted to reset some of the patterns I'd started creating for myself in my business. So that meant less time scrolling social media, and more time spent on tasks that actually moved the needle forward. You can do this reset any time of the year (or multiple times!) if you want to clear your to do list once and for all!

You can work through this challenge in 12 Days, or if you need more time on one of the prompts, you can take more than one day to complete it. I do recommend looking at your calendar and blocking off a two week period of time where you'll be able to dedicate 30-60 minutes a day to get through the list. I promise you that at the end of 12 days, you'll be feeling lighter, less overwhelmed, and ready to take the next steps to propel your business forward!

While I recommend completing this challenge in 12 days, you can feel free to skip around and change the order that you complete the prompts in. I've organized them prompts here if you want to jump ahead:

Day One: Clean Out Your Saved Instagram Posts

If you're anything like me, you have a TON of saved Instagram posts. For today's challenge, I invite you to do a full review of ALL your saved Instagram posts. While you’re checking through them, ask yourself:

➡️Why I am saving this? (If you're unsure, delete it!)

➡️How long ago did I save this? (If it's been longer than 90 days, delete it!)

➡️Is this inspiring me or is this kicking my imposter syndrome into overdrive? (If it's not making you feel GOOD, delete it!)

➡️ Does this still apply to my business? (If it doesn't, delete it! If is still applies AND you think that you'll use or implement the information in the saved post within the next 90 days, keep it. If you can't/don't want to stick to that timeline, delete it! I promise you that 90 days from now, there will be a whole new stack of trends and ideas to choose from.)

If you're not sure how to navigate to your saved posts, here's a quick step by step:

Day Two: Watch A Masterclass That You Paid For But Didn't Attend

Have you purchased a masterclass or mini course but never attended or watched the replay? Have you downloaded a freebie but never reviewed it? Here's today's challenge:

➡️ Start with going through the free downloads that you've saved, read through them, and delete those that don't apply to you.

➡️ Next, move on to choosing one masterclass and carving out an hour to watch it within the next week.

➡️ Then, if you have more masterclasses or course material to get through, prioritize which ones you feel will be the most helpful to moving the needle in your business.

➡️ Finally, create a one hour block on your calendar each week, so that you have a solid plan in place to get through them all!

Remember, these are sunk costs. You've already spent the money, and if it was something that really interested you or that you really needed to improve your business, you probably would have made it a priority. If you don't think you'll ever watch or read it, clear out that clutter and delete it.

Day Three: Update Your Passwords

Did you know that cybersecurity experts recommend changing your password every three months? Today we are going to take a look at the strength of our passwords.

To create a truly strong password, you should use a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. Creating strong passwords can help protect your accounts, but no matter how strong your password, it should never be re-used across multiple accounts.

Review all your passwords today and create new ones as needed.

Remembering all these passwords won't be easy, so I recommend using a password manager like Last Pass. You can enter your usernames and passwords for every single one of your online accounts. All you need to remember is a single master password to unlock the password manager.

Day Four: Create One Documented SOP

SOP’s or standard operating procedures are documented processes that need to be followed in order to operate your business.

They don’t have to be complex, they just have to provide a framework So that you can be sure that you’re providing consistent service to every client every time in every situation.

SOP's can be a video training or written document/template. For today's challenge, you'll create one written SOP.

How to decide which SOP to create first?

➡️ Start by making a list of all your recurring tasks

➡️ Next, pick from one of two options:

which task takes the most time or,

which task generates the most revenue

➡️ Finally, write down (or screen record) the step by step process of you completing that task.

➡️ Store it in a Google Folder or someplace you'll be able to find it so that you can refer back to it!

Looking for a little more guidance when it comes to creating your first SOP? I've created the SOP Blueprint just for you. This short and sweet training (yep, you'll be able to start streamlining your biz in less than an hour!) will walk you through exactly how to use SOP's to organize your business.

Day Five: Unsubscribe From Emails

As entrepreneurs and small business owners, we lose so much time in our inboxes. An overflowing inbox can create feelings of stress and overwhelm throughout the week. It's always there, lurking in the background, reminding us that we haven't completed all our tasks.

Approaching an inbox that has been neglected for a long period of time can be so overwhelming. This is an example of breaking a larger, more daunting task, into something more manageable. If you have on overflowing inbox, today's challenge might take you more than one day. But I encourage you to stick with it.

➡️ First up - head into your inbox and unsubscribe from 5 emails. Now delete them!

➡️ Next, Create the following folders:

Client Work

Follow Up

Needs Attention


Freebies & Masterclasses

➡️ Drag and drop 10 emails to their corresponding folder.

➡️ Repeat this process (unsubscribe from 5 emails, and migrate 10 emails) for 30 minutes every day until your inbox is at zero.

➡️ When you reach inbox zero, you'll create a task to go through the folders on a weekly basis to address what's inside

Day Six: Canva Cleanup

If you're an avid Canva user, you know how easy (and fun!) it is to get lost inside this handy graphic design platform. I have so many half started graphics & template ideas, and lots of graphics with old branding colors or fonts. Today, we'll clean all that up!

➡️ Set a timer for 30 minutes.

➡️ Head into your Canva account and click on "Projects"

➡️ Click on "Designs", then delete as many old graphics, templates or images that you are able to in 30 minutes.

➡️ If you have spare time, click on "Images", then delete as many of the images that you've uploaded and don't need.


Rename any designs that are still called "Instagram Story" or "Copy of a Copy of Instagram Story" That way, you'll be able to find the design that you're looking for in the future using the search function.

Day Seven: Organize Your Testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to earn that like/know/trust factor. They are also useful in providing you feedback and insight into your audience. Today's challenge is to organize the testimonials you have received from all your clients over the past 12 months.

You can do this quickly in Google Drive, or you can create a new list in your project management software, like Click Up or Asana.

➡️ Create a folder. Label it "TESTIMONIALS"

➡️ Create subfolders within that folder - each subfolder should be named for each program or product that you offer.

➡️ Within those subfolders, add an additional folder, labeled with the client's name. Inside this subfolder, you'll store the testimonial, a photo of the client who said it, and a copy of your signed testimonial release, if applicable. That way, when you're ready to add the testimonial to your website or share it on social media, you'll have everything you need to do so!

➡️ Drag and drop all testimonials (including screen shots!) into the appropriate folder.


Today's challenge is to ASK for one. Pick one current or past client, and email them, asking for their feedback! Not sure how to ask for a testimonial? The Client Experience Template Bundle makes it easy! Inside this bundle, you'll get a testimonial request email swipe, a premade Google Form for collecting your testimonials and Canva templates to help you share your testimonials with your audience (plus SO much more!) Grab the bundle here:

Day Eight: Website Maintenance

Updating your website is one of those things that is ALWAYS pushed to the back burner. You've got a beautiful website up and running, do you really need to spend time scrolling through and making sure everything is in working order? Yep, you do. Your website is one of the most important parts of your brand, and you want to make sure you are consistently tweaking and checking in on it to make sure it's doing what it's meant to do (bring in money!!)

Complete this checklist today as part of your Day Eight Challenge!

1. Test your contact page and forms

2. Test all hyperlinks - fix any broken hyperlinks

3. Check that all listed pricing is accurate

4. Check all call to action buttons. Make sure to look at:

  • Purchase button text & colors

  • Sales pages

  • Product pages

  • Services pages

  • Freebie opt-in pages

5. Check for 404 errors (pages that no longer exist but may still be linked)

6. Update metadata - if you've ever cloned a page or sales page, it's easy to forget to change out the metadata and/or SEO!

7. If you have a blog - respond to all comments on blog posts

Day Nine: Streamline Your Google Drive

Is anyone else's Google Drive a hot mess? You're not alone. Without consistent maintenance, and a systemized filing system in place, it's so easy to get overwhelmed. If you've ever spent 30 minutes searching through your drive for a document that you swear was there yesterday, Day Nine's Challenge is for you.

Most files tend to pile up inside Google Docs, so let's start there:

  • Switch to list view - it's REALLY difficult to find things in the drive if you're in grid view, looking at an image of every file

  • Open up Google Docs. Sort by "last opened by me". Scroll down to the very first date. Delete any files you haven't opened in multiple years or no longer use.

  • Name or Delete any "Untitled" Docs

  • Create a basic folder system for your Docs:

- Admin - Client Work - Tax/Finance - Marketing

  • This part could take some time, so only tackle if you're feeling extra motivated. Start dragging and dropping Docs into their appropriate folder. When you're finished, every Doc should be contained in a folder.

Do you wish that you had a way to create all the files you need in your Google Drive with just a few clicks of your mouse? Inside the Business Management Bundle, you'll get ALL of my digital product and templates, including a Google Drive folder hierarchy that you can just drag into your Drive and start getting your biz organized TODAY.

Day Ten: Clean Your Desk

Today's challenge is pretty self explanatory - a clean and organized workspace is essential for productive work!

  • Dust and wipe down desk

  • File or discard any loose papers. Recycle as appropriate, and shred sensitive documents

  • Sharpen pencils, test pens, discard any pens or markers that don't work

  • Vacuum desk chair & dust the legs

  • Wipe down laptop screen, disinfect keyboard, use a duster or putty to clean out keys

  • Use a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol to clean mouse & phone.

  • Remove anything from your desk or workspace that doesn't belong there (kid's projects, laundry, coffee cups)

  • Lint roll lamp shades

  • Untangle/reconfigure power cords

Day Eleven: Check Your Instagram Link In Bio

There is nothing worse than clicking the link in someone's IG bio, and it leads to a masterclass they hosted in Spring 2020.

Today's challenge is a quick one - make sure the links in your bio are updated, easy to read, and navigate to the right spot.

If you're using a third party service like or - unless you're in a partnership with them, I would HIGHLY recommend creating a links list on your own website.

Link menus are a great idea, in theory. The problem is that when you use a third-party service, you’re interrupting and deflecting potential traffic to your website.

When people click on your link, they go to the website (which hosts your link menu). From there, people can choose to click on your links that lead to your website, but if you have links that lead to external sites, you’re allowing people to bypass your website entirely!

Since your website is the place where people can book appointments or buy your products and services, deflecting traffic prevents potential clients and customers from working with you.

Day Twelve: Set Your Out Of Office Auto Reply

Its the final day of the challenge! You've made it! Today's task is to set up your email auto responder. Setting up an auto reply lets clients (or potential clients) know that you have received their email, but also sets a boundary as to when you’re going to respond. They'll know that you aren't available to answer emails immediately, and you'll have some flexibility to step away from your lap top.

Here's what mine looks like:

Hi there!

Thank you for your email! In an effort to be present with my clients + community, I check email once per day. Please allow 48 - 72 hours for a reply.

In the meantime, click HERE [INSERT LINK] to listen to my podcast/read my blog/etc and make sure we’re connected on INSTAGRAM [INSERT LINK]

If you’re interested in working together and want to book a consult/clarity call/breakthrough session/etc, click HERE [INSERT LINK] to schedule.

Talk soon,


Now that you have that in place, you are officially on your way to a more organized, streamlined business. You can repeat this 12 day challenge as many times as you need to - organization is an ongoing task. If you get into the habit of coming back to these prompts every month or so, as time goes on, it will take up less and less of your time (and mental space!)


Ready to keep this momentum?! Get ALL of my templates and swipe files inside the Business Management Bundle for 20% off the regular price! This bundle contains The Client Experience Bundle, The SOP Blueprint, 5 Steps to A Stress Free Launch, and MORE! It has the templates, guides, and swipe files that will walk you through exactly how to keep your business organized and running smoothly behind the scenes!


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